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Players left their Fistfull of Quarters at home and came out on Saturday, April 12th, to compete in our GigaZone Gaming Championship Retro Tournament! There were morning and afternoon competitions on Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga and an early evening competition on Donkey Kong! The player with the highest score on a single credit with no continues at the end of each competition won a $100 gift card!

  • Single credit, no continues.
  • Players may make multiple attempts to get the high score by reentering the player lineup.


Game Prize Winner
Ms. Pac-Man High Score $100 Jeremain G. – 138,830 points
Galaga High Score $100 George S. – 174,110 points
Donkey Kong High Score $100 Dylan C. – 82,000 points



These rules are subject to change. All rules will be finalized a week before the tournament. Gigazone Gaming staff reserve the right to change any rules as they see fit throughout the tournament. Follow us to keep up to date.


Prizes are subject to change, follow us to keep up to date.